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Kimberly Coward featured in “Profiles in Legal Specialization”

The firm is pleased to announce that Kim Coward has been included in the North Carolina Bar Journal’s on-going series, “Profiles in Specialization”. The profile is in the Summer (June) 2015 issue of the North Carolina Bar Journal. A full copy of the Journal is available below. Her Profile in Specialization appears on page 36.…

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The North Carolina 2014 LLC Act: Changes could affect current NC LLC owners

The North Carolina Limited Liability Company Act underwent some substantial changes in 2014. Additionally, the New LLC Act that took effect on January 1, 2014 applies to the North Carolina LLC’s formed before, on, or after January 1, 2014. This article is the first in a series meant to provide information for NC LLC owners…

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Obtaining Right of Way to Landlocked Property in North Carolina

A right of way is a type of easement that allows someone to cross over another’s property in order to gain access to his or her own property. Many modern deeds include a written right of way, which ensures that the Seller and any subsequent owners of that property have access over the adjacent parcel.…

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Besides a will, what other estate planning documents should I have?

The types of estate planning documents you might need are wholly dependent on your unique situation. We typically recommend the following additional documents: – Health Care Power of Attorney – sometimes known as a “living will,” this document allows you to appoint a representative to make health care decisions for you if you become incapacitated.…

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Wouldn’t it be cheaper to use an online will-drafting service (ie. LegalZoom™)?

Online will-drafting and DIY legal services like LegalZoom™ have become quite popular. But, just like the cookie-cutter “default” of a state’s intestacy laws, the online services cannot ensure your loved ones are provided for after your death exactly the way you desire. Potentially worse than that, online DIY Wills are untested, are usually not state-specific,…

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Why do I need a will?

Discussing your Will and reasons for needing one is not a particularly fun topic. While a Will can give you peace of mind, the best reasons for drafting a Will are your surviving loved ones. When drafted properly, a Will takes into account your unique, personal assets and your relationships with the people in your…

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What is Legal Specialization?

The Board of Legal Specialization was created in 1983 by the North Carolina State Bar and began certifying North Carolina lawyers as legal specialists in 1987. The Board was established to create a method by which qualified North Carolina lawyers might become certified as specialists in designated areas of the law. The goals of the…

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