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Municipal and County Government Law

Government and Municipal Law Matters

The interaction between municipalities, townships, school districts, city, county, and state administrative agencies, and the businesses and individuals under their jurisdiction, is referred to as governmental or municipal law. A complex, interdependent relationship exists between governmental entities and the people and businesses they regulate. The public is dependent on the infrastructure maintained by local governments, while governments rely on the public both for the tax base it provides and the drive, innovation, and activism of citizens that produce culturally-evolved, economically-thriving communities. To maintain a successful relationship, certain regulations and procedures apply to every transaction that occurs between governments, citizens, and local businesses.

Our lawyers are experienced and skilled in representation of governmental entities, businesses, and private entities in a multitude of matters. Most frequently, these issues involve land use, zoning, annexation, eminent domain, community and commercial development, and contract and public bid offerings. Whatever the matter, our lawyers will help you understand the intricacies and procedures governing your unique circumstance. In this way, we are able to achieve common goals of economic growth and security while helping everyone to avoid unnecessary litigation.

For detailed information about the different areas of municipal and governmental law services we provide, review our pages on:

Contact Our Municipal Litigators

Other Municipal Matters

Municipal Litigation Partners

Jay Coward in his offices in historic downtown Sylva

J. K. Coward

Orville Coward, Jr., Real Estate Transactions, Ligitation & Land Use Attorney

Orville D. Coward, Jr.

Other Municipal Related matters


Outside Counsel To Governmental Entities




Eminent Domain and Condemnation


Zoning, Planning and Land Use Attorneys